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How to test Grails service using Spock?

I have a EncouragementService.groovy with following method

  class EncouragementService {
   def stripePaymentService 

   def encourageUsers(List<User> users){
     if(null != users && users.size()>0){
      for(User user : users){

To test above code in JAVA universe, using JUnit I would first create two or three users in setup. Pass the list of users to encourageUsers(...) method and check whatever I want with the result.

How can I achieve the same thing here in grails,

import com.github.jmkgreen.morphia.Datastore;

class EncouragementServiceSpec {

  def morphiaService = new MorphiaService()

  void testEncourageUsers() {
        List<User> users = createUsers();

  def createUsers(){
       Datastore datastore = morphiaService.dataStoreInstance()
       def user = new User()
       user.setName("Prayag Upd")

I am using spock:0.7

plugins {
    test(":spock:0.7") { exclude "spock-grails-support" }
like image 536
prayagupa Avatar asked Sep 05 '13 19:09


2 Answers

Service class can be optimized as below:

class EncouragementService {
   def encourageUsers(List<User> users){
       if(users){ //Groovy truth takes care of all the checks
          for(user in users){

Spock Unit Test:
Spock takes testing to whole another level, where you can test the behavior (adheres to BDD). The test class would look like:

import spock.lang.*

@Mock(User) //If you are accessing User domain object.
class EncouragementServiceSpec extends Specification{
  //def encouragementService //DO NOT NEED: mocked in @TestFor annotation

  void "test Encourage Users are properly handled"() {
      given: "List of Users"
          List<User> users = createUsers()

      when: "service is called"
          //"service" represents the grails service you are testing for

      then: "Expect something to happen"
          //Assertion goes here

  private def createUsers(){
       return users //List<User>
like image 136
dmahapatro Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11


Use the build-test-data plugin to build the users.

class EncouragementServiceSpec extends Specification {

  def "encourage users does x"() {
    def users = createUsers();


    // assert something

  def createUsers(){
    [User.build(), User.build(), User.build()]

I've also made a couple of changes to the code to make it a proper spock specification. Your test has to extend Specification and you might want to familiarize yourself with Spock's keywords.

like image 4
Nicholas Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 11:11
