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How to check object belong to class or struct in swift

I got stuck by the question in swift. Suppose I have one object, how to check whether it is from struct or class in swift.

like image 773
Vishnuvardhan Avatar asked Aug 06 '15 07:08


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What is a class in Swift?

A class in Swift is a reference type which can contain: It’s often described as a template definition of an object, like in the following Article instance definition: What is a struct in Swift? A struct in Swift is a value type which, just like classes, can contain:

What is a struct in Swift?

A struct in Swift is a value type which, just like classes, can contain: It can also be seen as a template definition of an object, like in the following Article instance definition: What are the differences between a struct and a class?

How to check if an object is of given type in Swift?

In order to check if an object is of given type in Swift, you can use the type check operator is. Given an example class Item , you can check if the object is of its type like that: Same applies to built-in data types in Swift. For example, if you’d like to check if given object is a String or Int:

What happens if field names do not match in Swift?

If field names do not match, you will get an error message: “The data couldn’t be read because it is missing..” Swift class or struct must conform to a Decodable or Codable protocol. In the code snippet above the UserResponseModel struct conforms to a Decodable protocol.

2 Answers

This approach has been working for me in Swift 3:

class TestClass { }
struct TestStruct { }

var mystery:Any

mystery = TestClass()
// Is mystery instance a class type?
print(type(of:mystery) is AnyClass ? "YES" : "NO") // prints: "YES"

mystery = TestStruct()
// Is mystery instance a class type?
print(type(of:mystery) is AnyClass ? "YES" : "NO") // prints: "NO"

Note that this approach tells you only if an instance is a class type or not. The fact that it's not a class doesn't necessarily mean it's a struct (could be an enum, closure, tuple, etc.) But for most purposes and contexts this is enough to know if you are dealing with a reference type or a value type, which is usually what is needed.

like image 36
Daniel Hall Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Daniel Hall

In Swift 3.0, you can call Mirror(reflecting:x).displayStyle where x is your value of interest. The result will be class, struct, enum, dictionary, set... see the documentation https://developer.apple.com/reference/swift/mirror.displaystyle

Code sample:

struct SomeStruct {
     var name: String
     init(name: String) {
          self.name = name
var astruct = SomeStruct(name:"myname") 
Mirror(reflecting:astruct).displayStyle == .struct // will be true
Mirror(reflecting:astruct).displayStyle == .class; // will be false

class MyClass {
      var name:String
      init(name: String) {
var aclass = MyClass(name:"fsdfd")   
Mirror(reflecting:aclass).displayStyle == .struct // will be false
Mirror(reflecting:aclass).displayStyle == .class // will be true

Of course, it would be best handled using a switch-case statement in practice.

like image 82
Daniel Lemire Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10

Daniel Lemire