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How to check if there's nothing to be committed in the current branch?




The goal is to get an unambiguous status that can be evaluated in a shell command.

I tried git status but it always returns 0, even if there are items to commit.

git status echo $?  #this is always 0 

I have an idea but I think it is rather a bad idea.

if [ git status | grep -i -c "[a-z]"> 2 ]; then  code for change... else   code for nothing change... fi 

any other way?

update with following solve, see Mark Longair's post

I tried this but it causes a problem.

if [ -z $(git status --porcelain) ]; then     echo "IT IS CLEAN" else     echo "PLEASE COMMIT YOUR CHANGE FIRST!!!"     echo git status fi 

I get the following error [: ??: binary operator expected

now, I am looking at the man and try the git diff.

===================code for my hope, and hope better answer======================

#if [ `git status | grep -i -c "$"` -lt 3 ]; # change to below code,although the above code is simple, but I think it is not strict logical if [ `git diff --cached --exit-code HEAD^ > /dev/null && (git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory | grep -c -v '/$')` ]; then         echo "PLEASE COMMIT YOUR CHANGE FIRST!!!"     exit 1  else     exit 0 fi 
like image 755
9nix00 Avatar asked Feb 28 '11 07:02


People also ask

How do you check if commit is present in branch?

Search the branch (say, feature ) with exact matching. You can also search in both local and remote branches (use -a ) or only in remote branches (use -r ). The grep here could also result in false positives if there are other branches containing the commit whose names also contain <branch-name> as a substring.

How do you check if your local branch is up to date?

To check if you're up-to-date with GitHub run git fetch origin before git status and you'll know you're up-to-date.

1 Answers

An alternative to testing whether the output of git status --porcelain is empty is to test each condition you care about separately. One might not always care, for example, if there are untracked files in the output of git status.

For example, to see if there are any local unstaged changes, you can look at the return code of:

git diff --exit-code 

To check if there are any changes that are staged but not committed, you can use the return code of:

git diff --cached --exit-code 

Finally, if you want to know about whether there are any untracked files in your working tree that aren't ignored, you can test whether the output of the following command is empty:

git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory 

Update: You ask below whether you can change that command to exclude the directories in the output. You can exclude empty directories by adding --no-empty-directory, but to exclude all directories in that output I think you'll have to filter the output, such as with:

git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory | egrep -v '/$' 

The -v to egrep means to only output lines that don't match the pattern, and the pattern matches any line that ends with a /.

like image 162
Mark Longair Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Mark Longair