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How to check if an object is nil in a view in Ruby?

I would like to display a line of text only if an object called @foo is set. In my view, I'm trying something like this:

<% if [email protected]_record? || [email protected]? %>
    Foo is not a new record or nil
<% end %>

But this fails, returning You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! I'm pretty sure this happens because of the new_record? method. How do I check if something is not a new record or nil without causing an error? In PHP, it would be achieved by asking if(!empty($foo)) but even the empty? method in rails causes the same error to be returned.

Any ideas?

like image 449
Yuval Karmi Avatar asked Feb 27 '10 04:02

Yuval Karmi

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Ruby is an open-sourced object-oriented programming language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto. In Ruby, everything is treated as an object. true, false and nil are built-in data types of Ruby. Note: Always remember in Ruby true, false, and nil are objects, not numbers.

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That means that an empty string is NOT nil and an empty array is NOT nil. Neither is something that is false nil. => NilClass nil.nil? => true "".nil? => false false.nil? => false [].nil? For more info on .nil and NilClass, check out this sweet Ruby Guides article! .empty? [RUBY] .empty means that the length object you are trying to evaluate == 0.

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Calling methods on a null object causes the NullPointerException to be thrown. In C, operating on invalid pointer may lead to unexpected results. As you may expect, there should be a Ruby way to check if object is nil. Here it is: # Ruby code # if my_object. nil ? puts "There is no object!"

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In Ruby, everything is treated as an object. true, false and nil are built-in data types of Ruby. Note: Always remember in Ruby true, false, and nil are objects, not numbers. Whenever Ruby requires a Boolean value, then nil behaves like false and values other than nil or false behave like true.

1 Answers

How about:

<% if [email protected]? && [email protected]_record? %>
<% end %>

First off, you need to be using AND logic rather than OR logic here, since any ActiveRecord object meets at least one the requirements of "not nil" or "not a new record".

Second, checking for nil first ensures that the second check isn't run if the first one fails. The error is thrown because you can't use #new_record? on an object that doesn't support it, so checking for nil first ensures that that method is never run on a nil.

like image 196
Matchu Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10
