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Free SSL security certificate on Heroku?

I pushed a Spree Rails app to Heroku and I see it's using ssl withhttps:// and has a yellow padlock in the browser. Clicking on this shows "Identity verified" and the Certificate Information says Issued To: *.herokuapp.com

This is great. With no configuration or expense at the Heroku end, my app is using SSL with a valid looking certificate. Ok it's a yellow rather than green padlock but hey, not bad for free.

I'm sure this is a stupid question..but how can I run another Rails app on Heroku with a verified certificate without paying for the SSL add-on and purchasing my own certificate?

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rigyt Avatar asked Mar 30 '14 23:03


People also ask

Does Heroku provide free SSL certificate?

By default, Heroku provides free Automated Certificate Management (ACM) for all applications running on paid dynos. If you want to use a wildcard certificate or a different certificate authority for your application, follow these steps to acquire a certificate manually.

How do I get SSL certificate for Heroku app?

It is worth saying that you need to purchase the SSL Endpoint for your application at Heroku, which costs $20/month. Also, you can have a free certificate installed using the Heroku SSL option. For this to be done, please use the following command: heroku certs:add example. crt example.

Does Heroku provide SSL?

Heroku SSL is a combination of features that enables SSL for all Heroku apps. Heroku SSL uses Server Name Indication (SNI), an extension of the widely supported TLS protocol.

How can I get a free SSL certificate?

To get a free SSL certificate, domain owners need to sign up for Cloudflare and select an SSL option in their SSL settings. This article has further instructions on setting up SSL with Cloudflare. Check to make sure SSL encryption is working correctly on a website with the Cloudflare Diagnostic Center.

1 Answers

The TLS/SSL connection your browser is establishing is due to the fact the you are connecting to your app via appname.herokuapp.com. This is standard and will automatically work for any app you create out of the box. Heroku provides SSL encryption as you may be sending sensitive information to the server and it is better practice to encrypt data that you may not necessarily deem sensitive, but your client may. All reputable providers (SAS, Web Hosts, Email Providers) will have a wildcard SSL certificate installed to the base domain (*.herokuapp.com) as it is a single certificate that is relatively inexpensive and will secure all the sub-domains automatically.

That being said Apps are SSL-enabled already and can be accessed simply by using https, e.g., https://appname.herokuapp.com, but you would want to go with the SSL endpoint option when you want to establish the trusted relationship with your clients. Both ways are as secure as the other, but with the wildcard SSL (also referred to as a shared SSL certificate) the trust is established between the client via their browser and Heroku not your App/Site. With the SSL signed to your domain.com the clients can connect to your domain and not the Heroku sub-domain and see your site's information in the connection information on the browser. If your site is needing disambiguation from Heroku then is when you will want to proceed with an SSL setup outside the default.

As for what SSL type and issuer to use I would not recommend https://www.startssl.com/ as they do not offer SSLs with high browser ubiquity as they are not fully signed by an external root authority. Comodo and the consumer standard Rapid/GeoTrust are the best choices as far as assurance, recognition, and easy of use and concerned. You only need a DV (domain validated) SSL and they can be had for a few domains a month.

More on this and the Heroku SSL configuration can be found here

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MattSizzle Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
