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How to check if an element exists on the page in Playwright.js

I am using playwright.js to write a script for https://target.com, and on the page where you submit shipping information, it will provide the option to use a saved address if you have gone through the checkout process previously on that target account.

I would like to enter fresh shipping information every time I run the script, so I must have playwright click delete if it exists on the page, and then enter the shipping information.

The function that is shown below works to click delete, but then it times out at if (await page.$$("text='Delete'") != []) rather than executing the else part of the function.

How can I rewrite this function so that it simply checks if the element (selector: text='Delete') exists, and clicks it if it does, and executes the filling part of the function if it doesn't?

  async function deliveryAddress() {
    if (await page.$$("text='Delete'") != []) {
      await page.click("text='Delete'", {force:true})
      await deliveryAddress()
    } else {
      await page.focus('input#full_name')
      await page.type('input#full_name', fullName, {delay: delayms});
      await page.focus('input#address_line1')
      await page.type('input#address_line1', address, {delay: delayms});
      await page.focus('input#zip_code')
      await page.type('input#zip_code', zipCode, {delay: delayms});
      await page.focus('input#mobile')
      await page.type('input#mobile', phoneNumber, {delay: delayms});
      await page.click("text='Save & continue'", {force:true})
like image 668
cole Avatar asked Nov 11 '20 10:11


1 Answers

await expect(page.locator(".MyClass")).toHaveCount(0)
like image 142
Victorio Berra Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Victorio Berra