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How to check if a string contains text from an array of substrings in JavaScript?

People also ask

How do you check if a string contains a substring from an array JavaScript?

To check if a JavaScript Array contains a substring:findIndex method on the array. Use the includes() method to check if each element contains the substring. The Array. findIndex method will return the index of the array element that matches the substring.

How do you check if an array contains a value in JavaScript?

JavaScript Array includes() The includes() method returns true if an array contains a specified value. The includes() method returns false if the value is not found.

How do you check if a string contains a certain substring?

You can use contains(), indexOf() and lastIndexOf() method to check if one String contains another String in Java or not. If a String contains another String then it's known as a substring. The indexOf() method accepts a String and returns the starting position of the string if it exists, otherwise, it will return -1.

There's nothing built-in that will do that for you, you'll have to write a function for it, although it can be just a callback to the some array method.

Two approaches for you:

  • Array some method
  • Regular expression

Array some

The array some method (added in ES5) makes this quite straightforward:

if (substrings.some(function(v) { return str.indexOf(v) >= 0; })) {
    // There's at least one

Even better with an arrow function and the newish includes method (both ES2015+):

if (substrings.some(v => str.includes(v))) {
    // There's at least one

Live Example:

const substrings = ["one", "two", "three"];
let str;

// Setup
console.log(`Substrings: ${substrings}`);

// Try it where we expect a match
str = "this has one";
if (substrings.some(v => str.includes(v))) {
    console.log(`Match using "${str}"`);
} else {
    console.log(`No match using "${str}"`);

// Try it where we DON'T expect a match
str = "this doesn't have any";
if (substrings.some(v => str.includes(v))) {
    console.log(`Match using "${str}"`);
} else {
    console.log(`No match using "${str}"`);

Regular expression

If you know the strings don't contain any of the characters that are special in regular expressions, then you can cheat a bit, like this:

if (new RegExp(substrings.join("|")).test(string)) {
    // At least one match

...which creates a regular expression that's a series of alternations for the substrings you're looking for (e.g., one|two) and tests to see if there are matches for any of them, but if any of the substrings contains any characters that are special in regexes (*, [, etc.), you'd have to escape them first and you're better off just doing the boring loop instead. For info about escaping them, see this question's answers.

Live Example:

const substrings = ["one", "two", "three"];
let str;

// Setup
console.log(`Substrings: ${substrings}`);

// Try it where we expect a match
str = "this has one";
if (new RegExp(substrings.join("|")).test(str)) {
    console.log(`Match using "${str}"`);
} else {
    console.log(`No match using "${str}"`);

// Try it where we DON'T expect a match
str = "this doesn't have any";
if (new RegExp(substrings.join("|")).test(str)) {
    console.log(`Match using "${str}"`);
} else {
    console.log(`No match using "${str}"`);

One line solution


Returns true\false if substring exists\does'nt exist

Needs ES6 support

var yourstring = 'tasty food'; // the string to check against

var substrings = ['foo','bar'],
    length = substrings.length;
while(length--) {
   if (yourstring.indexOf(substrings[length])!=-1) {
       // one of the substrings is in yourstring

function containsAny(str, substrings) {
    for (var i = 0; i != substrings.length; i++) {
       var substring = substrings[i];
       if (str.indexOf(substring) != - 1) {
         return substring;
    return null; 

var result = containsAny("defg", ["ab", "cd", "ef"]);
console.log("String was found in substring " + result);

For people Googling,

The solid answer should be.

const substrings = ['connect', 'ready'];
const str = 'disconnect';
if (substrings.some(v => str === v)) {
   // Will only return when the `str` is included in the `substrings`