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How to check for Cannot read property 'testUndefined' of undefined in

I tried code follow:

  selector: 'test-content',
  template: '
    <div *ngIf="sv.name.notExist.testUndefined != undefined">
  directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES]

The variable sv.name.notExist.testUndefined is undefined, but i check it with *ngIf and the result is error with message: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'testUndefined' of undefined in [sv.name.notExist.testUndefined != undefined in ..."

Please help me check variable undefined with *ngIf.

like image 981
Nguyen Avatar asked Jan 08 '16 09:01


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1 Answers

I think that you should use the elvis operator

<div *ngIf="sv?.name?.notExist?.testUndefined">

This link could give you more details: https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html. See the section "The Elvis Operator ( ?. ) and null property paths".

Hope it helps you, Thierry

like image 156
Thierry Templier Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Thierry Templier