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How to Check for a NULL Result from an Angular 5 RxJS Observable during Subscription?

With RxJS Observables within Angular

        result => {
            this.personName = result.person_name;
        error => {

How can I test if my subscription to this service returns a NULL result, i.e. no record was found at all?

I tried adding the error part but this did not fire the console message.

At the moment, I seem to be getting the following error message:

ERROR TypeError: "result is null"
like image 741
tonyf Avatar asked Jul 19 '18 11:07


People also ask

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This call also returns an object, the Subscription : const subscription = observable.subscribe((x) => console.log(x));

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3 Answers

You can add a filter before subscribing to your service like this:

// add this import on top of your source file
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'

    .pipe(filter(result) => !!result)
        result => {
            this.personName = result.person_name;
        error => {

And if you want to add some feature when your webservice doesn't return anything, you can do it in your success callback like this:

        result => {
            if (result) {
                this.personName = result.person_name;
            } else {
                // do something
        error => {
like image 119
Laiso Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09


You can filter out the NULL results using the filter operator.

this.myService.getEmp(personEmpId).filter(emp => emp !== null).subscribe..

Now the subscriber will subscribe only when there are values.

like image 33
callback Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 16:09


If your method is returning NULL (No records found), then that is not an error. It is still a valid response. So error call back won't be executed. Instead you should handle this special scenario inside success callback only

    result => {
           this.personName = result.person_name;
        else {
           //log or display no data found message
    error => {
like image 24
Amit Chigadani Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 16:09

Amit Chigadani