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How to check a change in a Model Object fields without checking individual fields in MVC?

I have a big model

public class SomeModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        .....A lot(24) of Fields here.....

Now on Post ActionResult Edit(somemodel SomeModel) I want to check if anything has been changed by user with respect to original model values in database. Using If Else makes for a lot of messy code. Is there anyway to check if something was altered by the user and if possible what field was altered by user?

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Flood Gravemind Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 13:04

Flood Gravemind

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How keep original value for some field when execute edit on MVC?

You can use TryUpdateModel() like so...... [HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection) { using (var context = new DocInvoiceEntities()) { var client = context. Clients.

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The ViewBag is a dynamic object that provides a convenient late-bound way to pass information to a view. MVC also provides the ability to pass strongly typed objects to a view template. This strongly typed approach enables better compile-time checking of your code and richer IntelliSense in the Visual Studio editor.

1 Answers

I was thinking about using a method like this one

    public class SomeModel
     public override bool Equals(object obj)
      var type = this.GetType();
      bool SameObj = true;
     //for each public property from 'SomeModel'
     //[EDITED]type.GetProperties().Each(prop=>{ //  Sorry i'm using custom extension methode here
     //you should probably use this instead
                      //dynamically checks that they're equals 
                return SameObj;

/!\ Edited

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Emmanuel M. Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Emmanuel M.