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How to change Xcode Project name

For Xcode 4 or later:

  • Open a project
  • Select Project Navigator
  • Highlight project name
  • Single click on project name

Screenshot of the Project Navigator

For Xcode 3:

  • Open a project > Menu > Project > Rename ...

There is no need to change the name of the project in order to change the display name of the application (which is what you see on the home screen of the iOS device, in iTunes, etc.). Simply change the "Bundle display name" in your info.plist from the default "${PRODUCT_NAME}" to whatever you want it to be. The name of your project is invisible to users, they only see the "Bundle display name."

Image explains everything

click on you project in project explorer and again click on your project on right side and there you can see project name as shown in the figure

  1. On the left side expand Targets
  2. Double click on your target and then select build tab in the newly opened window
  3. on the top right there is a search box. Type - "Product Name"
  4. Now look below, under packaging section, you will see Product Name
  5. Change it and clean rebuild, your new app name should be changed by now.