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How to change width of Divider in SwiftUI?



On few screens of my SwiftUI app I am using Divider() between few elements. This Divider is rendered as a very thin grey (or black?) line. I am guessing 1 point. How can I change the width of Divider()?

like image 897
mallow Avatar asked Nov 10 '19 09:11


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What is SwiftUI divider?

A divider in SwiftUI is an easy and concise way to help separate content within a view.

How do I draw a horizontal line in SwiftUI?

If the canvas isn't visible, select Editor > Editor and Canvas to show it. The Horizontal Divider is displayed as a horizontal line to divide views. Inside a HStack the divider is displayed as a vertical line. The size of the divider can be changed with the frame modifier.

1 Answers

You can create any divider you wish, colors, width, content... As in below example.

struct ExDivider: View {
    let color: Color = .gray
    let width: CGFloat = 2
    var body: some View {
            .frame(height: width)
like image 67
Asperi Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10
