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How to change width of a Sidenav in Angular Material Design?

No matter what screen size I use, the Sidenav is always the same size. I tried adding attributes such as - flex - flex="85" (to get 85% of its container)

Can't seem to find a good approach.

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pierrebo Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 12:12


People also ask

How do I use Sidenav?

Both the main and side content should be placed inside of the <mat-sidenav-container> , content that you don't want to be affected by the sidenav, such as a header or footer, can be placed outside of the container. The side content should be wrapped in a <mat-sidenav> element.

What is Mat Sidenav?

The <mat-sidenav>, an Angular Directive, is used to create a side navigation bar and main content panel with material design styling and animation capabilities. <mat-sidenav-container> - Represents the main container. <mat-sidenav-content> - Represents the content panel. <mat-sidenav> - Represents the side panel.

How do you close a Sidenav mat?

All you do is add (click)="sidenav. close()" along with the routerLink="/whatever/path/here" works. This will close the sidenav on directing to a page.

How do I know if my Sidenav mat is open?

A mat-sidenav can be opened or closed using the open(), close() and toggle() methods. Each of these methods returns a Promise that will be resolved with true when the sidenav finishes opening or false when it finishes closing.

2 Answers

In angular material, md-sidenav has these attributes:

width: 304px; min-width: 304px; 

That's why the width will be fixed at 304 px no matter what device you use. So if you want to change your sidenav width you'll have to change the css a bit.

If you're fine with supporting only modern browsers, you can change it to a vw measure (1/100th of the viewport width) and add it to a separate css file. The code will look something like this:

md-sidenav,  md-sidenav.md-locked-open,  md-sidenav.md-closed.md-locked-open-add-active {     min-width: 200px !important;     width: 85vw !important;     max-width: 400px !important; }  

Here's a plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/cXfJzxsAFXA3Lh4TiWUk?p=preview

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user3587412 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10


The answer submitted by user3587412 allowed me to change the width but I was having the same problem as Craig Shearer with it killing the animation. So I tried a few different things and came up with this.

 md-sidenav.md-locked-open {    width: 250px;    min-width: 250px;    max-width: 250px;  } 

I'm not sure if that is the proper way but it seemed to work for me.

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Trevor Glass Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Trevor Glass