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How to change the language of a WebDriver?


I want to execute my Selenium tests in different languages. Is it possible to change the language of an existing WebDriver at runtime or do I have to recreate the browser instance?

Right now I'm only using Firefox, but I want to execute tests in different browsers at some later point.

In Firefox I set the language like this:

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
profile.setPreference("intl.accept_languages", "de");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);

I also implemented a WebDriverPool, which holds a WebDriver instance so it can be shared among tests. If the language can only be set at creation time, I could hold an instance for every locale.

All in all I wonder if I miss something here. Why is it so hard to change the language? shouldn't there be a method like WebDriver.setAcceptLanguages(Locale)?

In a nutshell I have these questions:

  1. Why isn't there WebDriver.setAcceptLanguages(Locale)?
  2. How to change the language for the dirrerent WebDrivers?
  3. Can I change the language at runtime?
  4. How did you guys implement your WebDriverPool or do you recreate them everytime?
like image 510
Tim Büthe Avatar asked Mar 22 '12 12:03

Tim Büthe

People also ask

How do I change Chromedriver language?

You can do it by adding Chrome's command line switches "--lang". Basically, all you need is starting ChromeDriver with an ChromeOption argument --lang=es , see API for details. The following is a working example of C# code for how to start Chrome in Spanish using Selenium.

Which language is used in Selenium WebDriver?

Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2.0) is fully implemented and supported in JavaScript (Node. js), Python, Ruby, Java, Kotlin (programming language), and C#.

Does Selenium support multiple languages?

> Selenium WebDriver supports various programming languages like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, R, Objective-C and Haskell. > Java is the best language to start learning Selenium. > Languages that are in demand for automating Selenium are Java, Python, C#, Ruby and JavaScript.

2 Answers

I ended up creating a WebDriverPool that creates one instance for every combination of WebDriver type (e.g. FirefoxDriver.class) and Locale (e.g. en_US). Maybe this is usful for someone.

public class WebDriverPool {

  private Map<String, WebDriver> drivers = new HashMap<String, WebDriver>();
  private List<WebDriver> driversInUse = new ArrayList<WebDriver>();

  public WebDriverPool() {
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(){
      public void run(){
        for (WebDriver driver : drivers.values())

        if (!driversInUse.isEmpty())
          throw new IllegalStateException("There are still drivers in use, did someone forget to return it? (size: " + driversInUse.size() + ")");

  private WebDriver createFirefoxDriver(Locale locale){
    FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
    profile.setPreference("intl.accept_languages", formatLocale(locale));
    return new FirefoxDriver(profile);

  private String formatLocale(Locale locale) {
    return locale.getCountry().length() == 0
      ? locale.getLanguage()
      : locale.getLanguage() + "-" + locale.getCountry().toLowerCase();

   * @param clazz
   * @param locale
   * @return web driver which can be new or recycled
  public synchronized WebDriver getWebDriver(Class<? extends WebDriver> clazz, Locale locale){

    String key = clazz.getName() + "-" + locale;


      if(clazz == FirefoxDriver.class){
        drivers.put(key, createFirefoxDriver(locale));

      // TODO create other drivers here ...

      // else if(clazz == ChromeDriver.class){
      //     drivers.put(key, createChromeDriver(locale));
      // }

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(clazz.getName() + " not supported yet!");

    WebDriver driver = drivers.get(key);

      throw new IllegalStateException("This driver is already in use. Did someone forgot to return it?");

    return driver;

  public synchronized void returnWebDriver(WebDriver driver){
like image 159
Tim Büthe Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09

Tim Büthe

You can also do it through about:config in firefox. But you need to use Actions to manipulate it.

Below a java piece of code

    Actions act = new Actions(webDriver);          


    // warning screen

    // Go directly to the list, don't use the search option, it's not fast enough

    // Go to the intl.accept_languages option

    // fill the alert with your parameters
    webDriver.switchTo().alert().sendKeys("fr, fr-fr, en-us, en");
like image 37
Cedric Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
