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Nested IF ( IF ( ... ) ELSE( .. ) ) statement in batch


I'm trying to write an IF ELSE statement nested inside another IF statement. Here's what I have:

IF %dirdive%==1 ( 
    IF DEFINED log (
        ECHO %DATE%, %TIME% >> %log%
        FOR /R %root1% %%G IN (.) DO (
            SET _G=%%G
            CALL :TESTEVERYTHING !_G:~0,-1! %root1% %root2% %log%
        GOTO :end
    ) ELSE ( 
        ECHO %DATE%, %TIME%
        FOR /R %root1% %%G IN (.) DO (
            SET _G=%%G
            CALL :TESTEVERYTHINGnolog !_G:~0,-1! %root1% %root2%
        GOTO :end

When log isn't defined, I get:

The syntax of the command is incorrect.
ECHO Wed 07/18/2012, 15:50:12.34 >>

Aaaand I'm at a loss. I've tried playing with the parenthesis. I've moved the last ) up onto the same line as the one before it and it doesn't work. The thing is, it works fine when log is defined. It seems to break right after or at IF %dirdive%==1, as it won't get to an echo command inserted right after that.

like image 551
Fulluphigh Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 19:07


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1 Answers

The source of your problem is that even if a branch of an IF statement does not execute, it still must have valid syntax.

When log is not defined, then the following line

ECHO %DATE%, %TIME% >> %log%

expands to the following when log is undefined

ECHO someDate, someTime >>

There is no file name after the redirection, which results in a syntax error.

As long as your log variable is not already defined with enclosing quotes (when it is defined that is), then simply changing the line as follows should fix it:

ECHO %DATE%, %TIME% >> "%log%"

That line expands to the following when log is undefined

ECHO someDate, someTime >> ""

Which is valid syntax. It will fail with a "The system cannot find the path specified" error if it is executed, but it won't execute because log is undefined :-)


Perhaps a better solution is to define a new variable that includes the redirection operator in the value if and only if log is defined. Then you don't even need your big IF statement and the code is easier to maintain.

SET "redirect="
IF DEFINED log SET "redirect=>>!log!"
IF %dirdive%==1 (
  ECHO %DATE%, %TIME% %redirect%
  FOR /R %root1% %%G IN (.) DO (
    SET _G=%%G
    CALL :TESTEVERYTHING !_G:~0,-1! %root1% %root2% %log%
  GOTO :end

Note that normal expansion %redirect% must be used in the ECHO statement. Delayed expansion !redirect! will not work because the redirection phase of the command parser occurs prior to delayed expansion.

like image 103
dbenham Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
