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How to change the default Xcode iphone simulator when testing


I don't know why but now the default iphone simulator launched when I build the project is "ipad", but I want it to use iphone 3g instead.

Any way to set this preference?

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Howard Avatar asked Sep 04 '10 17:09


People also ask

How do I change the simulator in Xcode?

Open Xcode and click Menu > Xcode > Preferences > Select Components, and then choose the simulator version you want to download.

How do I change simulator location in Xcode?

Select Run | Edit Configurations from the main menu or Edit Configurations from the run/debug configuration selector on the toolbar. Choose your configuration from the list and go to the Options tab. Select the Allow Location Simulation checkbox. If the None value is selected, your current location will be used.

1 Answers

In Xcode,

Click Product -> Destination -> iOS Simulator -> Choose Device to run.

Then build and execute Xcode project.

It works..

like image 183
D Kavitha Vijay Datchnamoorthy Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10

D Kavitha Vijay Datchnamoorthy