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Exploitable Java functions [closed]


This question is similar to Exploitable PHP Functions.

Tainted data comes from the user, or more specifically an attacker. When a tainted variable reaches a sink function, then you have a vulnerability. For instance a function that executes a sql query is a sink, and GET/POST variables are sources of taint.

What are all of the sink functions in the Java class library (for any flavor of Java)? I am looking for functions that introduce a vulnerability or software weakness. I am particularly interested in Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities. Are there whole classes/libraries that contain nasty functionally that a hacker would like to influence? How do people accidentally make dangerous Java code?

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rook Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 20:12


People also ask

What is vulnerable to Spring4Shell?

With a critical CVSS rating of 9.8, Spring4Shell leaves affected systems vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE). To illustrate why Spring4Shell is such a critical vulnerability, it helps to understand how Spring works.

Is Java still vulnerable?

While Java is considered relatively safe because it is a server side language, there are still multiple ways to attack and access secure code you'd like to remain private. Here are the top ten Java security vulnerabilities to keep in mind as you code away.

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The default deployment method for Spring Boot (executable JAR) is not vulnerable to the exploit.

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Certain Java SE (JDK and JRE) versions are susceptible to vulnerabilities that could allow the compromise of Java SE via network access, lead to unauthorized ability to cause a frequently repeatable crash (DoS) of Java SE, or allow unauthorized read, update, insert or delete access to some Java SE accessible data.

2 Answers

Here's a list based on my personal research into Client-side Java security in general, and using the Eclipse IDE to see which methods do SecurityManager checks.

ClassLoaders define classes (=arbitrary java code execution):

java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass java.net.URLClassLoader 

= code execution

Java Beans Introspection may divert ClassLoaders into loading classes from an untrusted source (example vuln - cve-2010-1622)


= code execution

File access

java.io.File (constructor) java.io.File.delete java.io.File.renameTo java.io.File.listFiles java.io.File.list 

= deleting/renaming files, directory listing

File stream/reader classes

java.io.FileInputStream java.io.FileOutputStream java.io.FileReader java.io.FileWriter java.io.RandomAccessFile 

=File read/write access

Java System Properties

System.setProperty System.getProperties System.getProperty 

=Some system properties might contain some information that's almost sensitive, and some system properties might alter the execution of critical stuff, I don't have examples, though

Loading native libraries

System.load System.loadLibrary 

= Arbitrary code execution

Executing operating system executables

Runtime.exec ProcessBuilder (constructor) 

Generating native system input events

java.awt.Robot.keyPress/keyRelease java.awt.Robot.mouseMove/mousePress/mouseRelease 

(Maybe far-fetched since a server might not even have a graphical environment)

Java reflection - accessing arbitrary (even private) fields and methods

java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField java.lang.reflection.Method.invoke java.lang.reflection.Field.set java.lang.reflection.Field.get 

= From disclosing sensitive information to eventual code execution, depending on the circumstances

Java scripting engine


=arbitrary code execution

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Sami Koivu Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Sami Koivu

Code execution vulnerabilities:

  1. Private reflection, but it's uncommon for tainted data to get there in a dangerous way
  2. Native interop code which doesn't validate it's parameters enough
  3. De-serializers. Probably the most dangerous since you might want to de-serialize from untrusted data. Some serializers are relatively safe and only use public constructors/setter, but others access private fields. And if there is no type white-list it might instantiate arbitrary types and call setters on them.
  4. Any form of IO, files in particular
  5. Dynamic loading of libraries. In particular using relative path. In particular relative to the working-directory instead of the executable directory

(This is about .net, but I expect Java to be very similar)

Data injection

Then there is the injection family of functions which typically can be prevented by not operating on strings but using specialized library functions. Those typically don't lead to arbitrary code injection.

  1. html injectiong / XSS (Largely prevented by a view-engine that auto-escapes output and cleanly separating escaped and un-escaped strings (perhaps using different types))
  2. SQL injection (prevented by prepared statements)
  3. File-Path injection
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CodesInChaos Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
