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How to change string representation of objects in Nodejs debug console view


How do I change the string representation of an object instance in nodejs debug console. Is there a method (like toString() in .NET) I can override?

enter image description here

Consider the following code:

class SomeObject{
        this._varA = "some text";
        this._varB = 12345;
        this._varC = "some more text";
        this._varD = true;
        this._varE = 0.45;

        return "custom textual rapresentation of my object";

var array = [];

array.push(new SomeObject());
array.push(new SomeObject());
array.push(new SomeObject());


This produces the following: enter image description here

However in other environments and programming languages I have worked on, overriding the toString() method would show the result of toString() (in the example above "custom textual representation of my object") instead of the dynamic textual representation created by the debugger (in the example code above this is: SomeObject {_varA: "some text", _varB: 12345, _varC: "some more text", …}) - which I don't doubt for one minute it is very useful when a custom alternative is not defined.

I also realise that console.log(array.toString()); or even console.log(array.map(t=>t.toString())); will produce something similar to what I am after, however this then prevents me to navigate through the objects using the debug navigation ie. drill into the object graph.

If this is not possible, would others benefit from this? If there is enough interest, I can look into defining and implementing it as a feature.

like image 275
Leo Avatar asked Mar 19 '18 14:03


People also ask

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The console. log() method outputs a message to the web console. The message may be a single string (with optional substitution values), or it may be any one or more JavaScript objects.

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Answer: Use console. log() or JSON. stringify() Method You can use the console. log() method, if you simply wants to know what's inside an object for debugging purpose. This method will print the object in browser console.

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A minimal CLI debugger is available with node inspect myscript. js . Several commercial and open source tools can also connect to the Node. js Inspector.

2 Answers

When you do console.log it internally calls formatValue in util.js, which has a below check

const maybeCustomInspect = value[customInspectSymbol] || value.inspect;

Which means if your value has a inspect method it gets called and then you can return the toString in the same. So change your code to

class SomeObject{
        this._varA = "some text";
        this._varB = 12345;
        this._varC = "some more text";
        this._varD = true;
        this._varE = 0.45;

    inspect(depth, opts) {
        return this.toString();

        return "custom textual rapresentation of my object";

var array = [];

array.push(new SomeObject());
array.push(new SomeObject());
array.push(new SomeObject());


Makes it print

[ custom textual rapresentation of my object,
  custom textual rapresentation of my object,
  custom textual rapresentation of my object ]

Nodejs has documentation on the same too


The inspect method I used is deprecated as per documentation and the correct way to do it is below

const util = require('util');

class SomeObject{
        this._varA = "some text";
        this._varB = 12345;
        this._varC = "some more text";
        this._varD = true;
        this._varE = 0.45;

    [util.inspect.custom](depth, options) {
        return this.toString();

        return "custom textual rapresentation of my object";

var array = [];

array.push(new SomeObject());
array.push(new SomeObject());
array.push(new SomeObject());


Edit: 28th-Mar-2018

So I launched the script using below

$ node --inspect-brk=54223 test.js 
Debugger listening on ws://
For help see https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector

And then ran a socat forwarder using below

$ socat -v TCP-LISTEN:54222,fork TCP:

When you debug the variable array in debugger, you get below output on the socat terminal


The information is that reconstructed by debugger to give you a meaningful representation.

Now the v8 debug api has no idea that we want to represent it differently, like we did for console.log. Now there may be something similar in V8 code that does something similar, but looking at the source code, I was not able to figure out there exists such a thing. So you may need to confirm from someone who has V8 debugger api knowledge, if something of this sort exists

If not the you need to construct something at the IDE level, which again is not a a easy thing to do

like image 119
Tarun Lalwani Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 16:10

Tarun Lalwani

There has been a new option added to VS Code to enable tweaking the debugger output: simply add the below to your launch configuration

"customDescriptionGenerator": "function (def) { if (this.toString) { const _v = this.toString(); if (_v.indexOf(\"[object Object]\") < 0) return _v; } return def; }",

Viola: your entities viewed with "toString" in watch, retaining the ability to drill down etc.

like image 29
FrozenKiwi Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
