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Connection stuck while using Samsung Remote Test Lab


I want to track down a bug on Samsung Devices using Samsung RTL. Sadly i cant get that client to work on my System (macOS 10.13.1):

It just says Connecting...
Nothing happens from here.

ctl client stuck at connecting

Steps i did to come here:

  • Downloaded and installed newest JRE from Website: https://www.java.com/inc/BrowserRedirect1.jsp

  • Enabled Java for Browser and Web-Start-Apps in Java Control Panel

  • Added https://img-developer.samsung.com to exeption list

  • Checked for Port 2600 using Network Utility: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202790

  • Create Samsung Developer Account

  • Reserving an Device (Galaxy S6)

  • Download .jnlp-File and run it

like image 914
Julime Avatar asked Jun 25 '18 10:06


Video Answer

1 Answers

Customer Support has answered to me. Seems like i have just selected a bad device. I chose another one and it worked :)

like image 141
Julime Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
