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how to change skipper maxTimeToBuffer attribute

I am using skipper and skipper-azure to upload multiple files at a time, if I upload small number of files lets say 20 to 30 at a time every thing works fine but if I upload more files like 200 or 300 I start receiving the following error for some of the files i.e only for two or three files not all files.

An Upstream timed out before it was plugged into a receiver

In sails>node_modules>skipper>Standalone>Upstream>Upstream.js file there is an attribute maxTimeToBuffer and its default value is 4500 when i change this to 10000 my code works fine I tested it over a 100 times.

My questions are

  • What is the impact of this change ?
  • Is there any place where I can override this configuration instead of changing it main file i don't want this configuration to go away with every update.

Thanking you guys for any help in advance

like image 773
Naveed Ahmad Avatar asked Nov 12 '15 12:11

Naveed Ahmad

1 Answers

I had the same problem... You have to modify the http.js file located in the config folder... you have to do something like this:

passportInit: require('passport').initialize(),
passportSession: require('passport').session(),

bodyParser: (function _configureBodyParser(){
  var skipper = require('skipper');
  var middlewareFn = skipper({
    strict: true,
    maxTimeToBuffer: 100000,
  return middlewareFn;

order: [


like image 58
Daniel Azamar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Daniel Azamar