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Why do the insertOne method from mongodb node.js driver mutates the object to be inserted?

I am learning mongodb with node, and I was playing with the following code

var assert = require('assert')
var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/learnyoumongo'
var client = require('mongodb').MongoClient

var doc = {
  firstName: 'Steve',
  lastName: 'Smith'
console.log(doc)  //logs as expected
client.connect(url, (err, db) => {
  assert.equal(err, null)
  var docs = db.collection('docs')
  docs.insertOne(doc, (err, result) => {
    assert.equal(err, null)
    console.log(doc)  //logs with an extra property i.e. _id

I was surprised to see that doc is mutated by mongo, look at inspect the output of both of the console.log statements. Why is the doc object mutated.

like image 513
segmentationfaulter Avatar asked Sep 29 '15 16:09


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1 Answers

Mongo adds an automatically generated _id to every document that doesn't define one itself. This is a special object type called an ObjectId and is used as a primary key. You can see the details of the format here.

You can get around the auto-generated _id by adding your own to each object but you'll need to be able to guarantee that they're unique as if you try to store two objects with the same _id you'll get a duplicate key error.

like image 136
piemonkey Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
