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How to change export csv name in primeng while click on download?

Let consider below is prime ng table of angular:

I have used primeng table library to list the records and download csv.

<p-table #dt styleClass="table table-striped" [columns]="colsCSV" [value]="reviewSSRList" selectionMode="single"  [paginator]="true" [rows]="10">
      <ng-template pTemplate="caption">
        <div class="ui-helper-clearfix" style="text-align: left">
            <button type="button"  pButton icon="pi pi-file-o" iconPos="left" label="CSV" (click)="dt.exportCSV()" style="float:right;"></button>
      <ng-template pTemplate="header" let-columns>
            <!-- <tr>  
                <th *ngFor="let col of columns" [pSortableColumn]="col.field">
                    <p-sortIcon [field]="col.field"></p-sortIcon>
            </tr> -->
              <th style="text-align: center;" > Check & Delete
                  <!-- <p-sortIcon [field]="'towerId'"></p-sortIcon> -->
              <th [pSortableColumn]="'towerId'">Tower ID
                  <p-sortIcon [field]="'towerId'"></p-sortIcon>
              <th [pSortableColumn]="'towerName'">Tower Name
                  <p-sortIcon [field]="'towerName'"></p-sortIcon>
              <th [pSortableColumn]="'exAxisTower'">Ex Axis Tower
                <p-sortIcon [field]="'exAxisTower'"></p-sortIcon>
            <th [pSortableColumn]="'projectStatus'">Project Status
              <p-sortIcon [field]="'projectStatus'"></p-sortIcon>
            <th [pSortableColumn]="'towerStatus'">Tower Status
             <p-sortIcon [field]="'towerStatus'"></p-sortIcon>
            <th [pSortableColumn]="'towerType'">Tower Type
              <p-sortIcon [field]="'towerType'"></p-sortIcon>
            <th [pSortableColumn]="'towerKind'">Tower Kind
              <p-sortIcon [field]="'towerKind'"></p-sortIcon>
            <th [pSortableColumn]="'ownerShip'">Tower ownerShip Type
              <p-sortIcon [field]="'ownerShip'"></p-sortIcon>
        <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
                <td  style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" value="{{rowData.towerId}}" (change)="checkboxValSaveDraft($event)"></td>
                <td><a [routerLink]='"/saveDraftDetail/"+rowData.towerId'>{{rowData.towerId}}</a></td>
                <td style="text-align: center;"><i class="fa fa-check remarkpositive" aria-hidden="true" *ngIf='rowData.exAxisTower'></i>
                  <i class="fa fa-window-close remarknegative" aria-hidden="true" *ngIf='!rowData.exAxisTower'></i>
                <td> {{ rowData.ownerShip }}</td>

When, we are click on export button . it is downloading the csv as "download" name. How we can change to something else?

like image 692
Pramod Kharade Avatar asked Dec 08 '19 10:12

Pramod Kharade

2 Answers

exportFilename value is input property of p-table which is hard coded to download.

To change it bind this property with you variable.

<p-table [exportFilename]="variable_to_bind" ...

Working Demo.

like image 75
Plochie Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 19:11


After playing with Primeng Document I found solution to change the default name into anything:

  1. We can assigned or declared any name ex:dynamicdownloadName or value to variable or property in .ts/component file.

  2. interpolate the name in template file :

  3. Add attribute to p-table tag as exportFilename={{dynamicdownloadName}}

 <div class="row">
    <p-table #dt styleClass="table table-striped" exportFilename={{dynamicdownloadName}} [columns]="colsCSV" [value]="reviewSSRList" electionMode="single" [paginator]="true" [rows]="10">
       <!-- Assuming rest of all code is here -->
like image 38
Pramod Kharade Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 20:11

Pramod Kharade