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How to change Angular CLI favicon



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How do I create a favicon in HTML?

To add a favicon to your website, either save your favicon image to the root directory of your webserver, or create a folder in the root directory called images, and save your favicon image in this folder. A common name for a favicon image is "favicon. ico".

What size should a favicon be?

Favicon images are small in size, only 16 pixels in height by 16 pixels in width, so there is not much space for complex designs. Still, a good favicon that is clean, simple and easily identifiable can provide a good visual indicator for visitors navigating to your site through their tabs or bookmarks.

Make a png image with same name (favicon.png) and change the name in these files:


<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.png" />


"assets": [

And you will never see the angular default icon again.

Size should be 32x32, if more than this it will not display.

NOTE: This will not work with Angular 9

For angular 9 you have to put favicon inside assets then give path like

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="assets/favicon.png">

Since you have replaced the favicon.ico file physically, there must be a caching issue somewhere. There is a cache in your browser. Force it to get flushed by pressing Ctrl+F5.

If the default icon is still displayed, try another browser with a clean cache (i.e. you haven't visited the page with that browser yet).

Clear Cache Shortcuts: (Source)

IE:Ctrl+R; Firefox:Ctrl+Shift+R; Chrome:Ctrl+R, or Ctrl+F5, or Shift+F5.

Safari:+R; Firefox/Chrome:+Shift+R.

Navigating to the file finally fixed this for me. In my case: http://localhost:4200/favicon.ico

I had tried to refresh, stop and start ng serve again, and "Empty Cache and Hard Reload", none worked.

The ensure the browser downloads a new version of the favicon and does not use a cached version you can add a dummy parameter to the favicon url:

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico?any=param">

we can change angular CLI favicon icon. we have to put icon file in "assets" folder and give that path in index.html.

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./assets/images/favicon.png"> It's work for me.

For Angular 6, put favicon.png of size 32x32 in the asset folder and change the path in index.html. Then,

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./assets/favicon.png">