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How to chain completable futures

I have three functions updateFieldFromCollection1(), insertFromColletion1ToCollection2() and deleteFromCollection1() now.

These calls aren't as such dependent on each other but when I want to chain them in completableFuture they have to run one after the other in the given order.

update-> insert -> delete

The calls don't return anything so i am using runAsync and thenRun methods of completableFuture. And have chained them accordingly. I am iterating on msgIds which is a list of strings.

msgIds.stream().forEach(msgId -> CompletableFuture.runAsync(() ->  
 {updateFieldFromCollection1()}).thenRun(() -> 
 {insertFromColletion1ToCollection2()}).thenRun(() ->  

The above code works (update-> insert -> delete are done) but throws exception like duplicateKey and bulkwrite. I am sure that the problem comes because another thread is starting before the previous thread completes its task. I want them to run asynchronously but I want to discipline the threads by avoiding conflicts.
I am not sure where I need to tweak the code.

like image 943
NatoSaPh1x Avatar asked Aug 09 '19 07:08


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The most generic way to process the result of a computation is to feed it to a function. The thenApply method does exactly that; it accepts a Function instance, uses it to process the result, and returns a Future that holds a value returned by a function: CompletableFuture<String> completableFuture = CompletableFuture.

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CompletableFuture executes these tasks in a thread obtained from the global ForkJoinPool. commonPool(). But we can also create a Thread Pool and pass it to runAsync() and supplyAsync() methods to let them execute their tasks in a thread obtained from our thread pool.

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The CompletableFuture. get() method is blocking. It waits until the Future is completed and returns the result after its completion.

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As a result: Future transferes single value using synchronous interface. CompletableFuture transferes single value using both synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. Rx transferes multiple values using asynchronous interface with backpressure.

1 Answers

msgIds.stream().forEach(msgId -> {
 CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> 
 {insertFromColletion1ToCollection2()}).thenRun(() ->  

The update had to be made outside completableFuture. Then it works like a charm :)

like image 73
NatoSaPh1x Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
