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Does oracle undo sequence increase after transaction rollback?

I have a Spring application with Hibernate as ORM & Oracle database as RDBMS. Assume my table name in the database is entity_tbl and entity_seq is the sequence of my table.

In the save method with @Transaction, the entity was save and after saving the line, I throw an exception for rollback transaction. like below,

class EntityService extends GenericService<Entity>{

    EntityRepository repo;

    public void save(Entity entity) {
           throw ApplicationException("just for Transaction rollback...")

In application console I see this line:

select entity_seq.nextval from dual

If I run this query on PL/SQL, the entity_seq was increased and entity_seq.currval had a new value. But after transaction rollback in above code entity_seq.currval has past value and not increased.

So my question is: Does Oracle decrease sequence after transaction rollback? or oracle's temp table undo this increase? or Hibernate manage it? in other words, my question is why sequence after when I see select entity_seq.nextval from dual in application console was unchanged?

Any help would be appreciated!

like image 310
Morteza Asadi Avatar asked Mar 04 '19 12:03

Morteza Asadi

People also ask

What can happen when you rollback an entire transaction?

In rolling back an entire transaction, without referencing any savepoints, the following occurs: Oracle undoes all changes made by all the SQL statements in the transaction by using the corresponding undo tablespace. Oracle releases all the transaction's locks of data. The transaction ends.

Can we rollback sequence Oracle?

There is no way to rollback the generated sequence, as a parallel session in another process could have already incremented it. Sequences are stateless. They get generated and never know it was useful or not. So for your situation, you may have to write your own logic.

Does create sequence need commit?

The answer is NO. Oracle guarantees that numbers generated by sequence are different. Even if parallel requests are issued, RAC environment or rollback and commits are mixed.

Is Oracle sequence thread safe?

No - and it has NOTHING to do with 'different threads'.

1 Answers

But after transaction rollback in above code entity_seq.currval has past value and not increased.

currval never increases the sequence it contains the last assigned value independent of the ROLLBACK.

Check in pure DB without the ORM stuff.

SQL> insert into tab(x)
  2  select seq.nextval from dual;

1 row created.

SQL> insert into tab(x)
  2  select seq.nextval from dual;

1 row created.

SQL> select * from tab;


SQL> select seq.currval from dual;


SQL> rollback;

Rollback complete.

SQL> select * from tab;

no rows selected

SQL> select seq.currval from dual;



You see the last assigned value (2) is returned from the currval. Check for some caching effects if you see other results.

like image 60
Marmite Bomber Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10

Marmite Bomber