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How to catch the decompress IOError?




I wrote this code snippet to read a file that may be compressed:

import Codec.Compression.GZip
import IO -- using IO.try

read file = do
  let f = L.readFile file
  let c = fmap decompress $ f

  unzipped <- try c

  case unzipped of
    Right b -> return b
    Left  _ -> f

It compiles just fine, but it seems that this is no valid way to handle uncompressed files. Running the code on a compressed file works nice, but a uncompressed file fails with an exception:

*** Exception: Codec.Compression.Zlib: incorrect header check

Any idea on how to make this possible?

like image 776
fho Avatar asked Apr 06 '12 11:04


Video Answer

2 Answers

You need to import Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal. Note in particular the section titled “Low-level API to get explicit error reports”.

You will want to use something like this (note untested):

import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal as Z
import Control.Arrow (right)

decompressWithoutExceptions :: L.ByteString -> Either Z.DecompressError L.ByteString
decompressWithoutExceptions = finalise
                            . Z.foldDecompressStream cons nil err
                            . Z.decompressWithErrors Z.gzipFormat Z.defaultDecompressParams
  where err errorCode errorString = Left errorCode
        nil = Right []
        cons chunk = right (chunk :)
        finalise = right L.fromChunks

(I presume you have imported Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as L.)

like image 163
dave4420 Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 18:11


You might want to look at spoon, which will allow you to get Nothing if an exception was thrown.

like image 22
Michael Snoyman Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 18:11

Michael Snoyman