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How to catch an exception when filtering a vaadin grid

Using vaadin (7.7.3) I'm filtering a grid by name, this filtering takes a couple seconds to remove the objects from the Grid gui. And so, if I click on that timelapse a row of the Grid which is removed from the Container, it raises an exception:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Given item id (5422bef6-e472-4d3e-af54-316c52d373da) does not exist in the container
at com.vaadin.ui.Grid$AbstractSelectionModel.checkItemIdExists(Grid.java:1371)
at com.vaadin.ui.Grid$SingleSelectionModel.select(Grid.java:1460)
at com.vaadin.ui.Grid$SingleSelectionModel$1.select(Grid.java:1445)

I guess this is normal because it removes the objects from the Container and then it will propagate to the gui.

I have thought of catching the exception overwriting the checkItemIdExists() method in my Grid class but it would catch the exception for every situation and that is not the behavior I am looking for.

My question is: How can I capture this exception just in this case?

like image 869
Alex Avatar asked Oct 19 '16 08:10


1 Answers

The only workaround I have found, is to override the selection model of the grid in Vaadin to disable the checkItemIdExists method. This is the method that launches the exception you have.

import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.SelectionModel;
import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.SingleSelectionModel;

public class SingleSelectionModelNotChecked extends SingleSelectionModel implements SelectionModel {

    protected void checkItemIdExists(Object itemId) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    // Nothing to do. No check is done, no exception is launched when the filter is applying. 

You can now include this into your gird with:

setSelectionModel(new SingleSelectionModelNotChecked());

Of course, now the grid cannot check that the element selected in in the grid or not.

like image 52
King Midas Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

King Midas