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Apache Spark Maven Dependencies for release and develop an app

I have to follow this tutorial to create a uber jar for my Apache Spark application with maven.

I have set all Spark Dependencies in the pom with <scope>provided</scope>. This works very well, but now when I run the application locally, I get an error for missing Spark dependencies.

At the moment I had to remove provided tag from the pom.

How can I make provided spark dependencies only when building app for release?

I use Intellij as IDE for developing applications.

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theShadow89 Avatar asked Sep 30 '16 10:09


1 Answers

You can create seperate Maven profiles.

Best option is to have dependencyManagment section in POM where you'll specify versions, then in profiles you will have only groupId + artifactId + scope

For example:

    <!-- Here Spark deps without provided -->
    <!-- Here Spark deps with provided -->
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T. Gawęda Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

T. Gawęda