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How to capture error output only in a variable in PowerShell


I want to store the stderr output of a PowerShell command in a variable. I don't want to store it in a file and I don't want standard output included, just the error output.

This redirects to a file named error.txt:

& $command $params 2> error.txt

This redirects both stderr and stdout to the $output variable:

$output = & $command $params 2>&1

But I want to store only the error output in a variable (the same as the content of the error.txt file above), without writing anything to file. How do I do that?

like image 894
Klas Mellbourn Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 13:01

Klas Mellbourn

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2 Answers

You can call the command a slightly different way and use the -ErrorVariable parameter in PowerShell:

Invoke-Expression "$command $params" -ErrorVariable badoutput 

$badoutput will now contain the contents of the error string.

like image 190
arco444 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


Here is simpler solution by Simon Wahlin using sub expressions

$output = & $command $params 2>&1

Would be:

$errOutput = $( $output = & $command $params ) 2>&1 
like image 45
Jim Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
