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How to capture 5MP Image in iPhone devices with 8MP camera?

I want to capture images with 5 MP resolution in an iOS device where maximum image sensor capture resolution is 8 MP.

The presets provided in Avfoundations AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto gives - 3264x2448 - 8 MP resolution VCaptureSessionPresetHigh gives - 1920x1080 - 2 MP resolution

Is there any way/workaround for capturing 5MP directly, instead of capturing 8MP and then downscaling?

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thar_bun Avatar asked Jan 31 '14 06:01


2 Answers

iOS gives very limited output resolutions from Camera.

You mentioned correctly that largest size is 8MP and next preset goes down to 1080p or ~2MP. The expectation it seems is to downscale/crop the image as the application requires, however the SDK doesn't give a single API to get required resolution or output image.

Hope this helps.

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poloolop Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10


AVCaptureSessionPreset gives only constants resolutions (You can see API references). If you want to save image in custom resolution, you can find here Save image with custom resolution

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GMJigar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10
