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How to capitalize first letter of a string in VBScript



I read a really helpful post here How do I make the first letter of a string uppercase in JavaScript? and I was curious of a good solution using VBScript.

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Daniel Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 17:12


2 Answers

>> s = "first word of string"
>> WScript.Echo UCase(Left(s, 1)) &  Mid(s, 2)
First word of string
like image 59
Ekkehard.Horner Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 21:02


str = "mY nAME iS sACHIN"

arrStr = split(str," ")

For i=0 to ubound(arrStr)

 word = lcase(trim(arrStr(i)))
 word = replace(word,mid(word,1,1),chr(asc(mid(word,1,1))-32),1,1)
 str1 = str1 & word & " "

msgbox trim(str1)

Output: My Name Is Sachin

like image 40
Rishabh Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 19:02
