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one condition, multiple events

I'm trying to figure out how to make multiple events happen with just one condition using .vbs. (Here I attempted to use the case statement.) Is there a such command, or do I have to rewrite the command for every line? (This is to be typed on notepad by having it already activated in previous lines of code.)

  msgbox("I was woundering how old you are.")
    age=inputbox("Type age here.",,"")
    Select Case age
    Case age>24
        WshShell.SendKeys "I see you are "&x&" years older than me."
        WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
    Case age<24
        WshShell.SendKeys "I see you are "&x&" years younger than me."
        WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
    Case age=24
        WshShell.SendKeys "Wow were the same age!"
        WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER} "
    End Select
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Lèla Null Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 07:12

Lèla Null

2 Answers

I think you are looking for Select Case True, an enhanced use of the Select Case switch:

age = inputbox("I was wondering how old you are.")

Select Case True
    ' first handle incorrect input
    Case (not IsNumeric(age))
        WshShell.SendKeys "You silly, you have to enter a number.{ENTER}"
    ' You can combine cases with a comma:
    Case (age<3), (age>120)
        WshShell.SendKeys "No, no. I don't think that is correct.{ENTER}"

    ' Now evaluate correct cases
    Case (age>24)
        WshShell.SendKeys "I see you are " & age - 24 & " years older than me.{ENTER}"
    Case (age<24)
        WshShell.SendKeys "I see you are " & 24 - age &" years younger than me.{ENTER}"
    Case (age=24)
        WshShell.SendKeys "Wow were the same age!{ENTER}"

    ' Alternatively you can use the Case Else to capture all rest cases
    Case Else
        ' But as all other cases handling the input this should never be reached for this snippet
        WshShell.SendKeys "Woah, how do you get here? The Universe Collapse Sequence is now initiated.{ENTER}"

End Select

I put in some extra cases to show you the power of this enhanced switch. In contrary to If a And b Then statements, the cases with comma's are shortcircuited.

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AutomatedChaos Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 08:01


Encapsulate the redundant code in a procedure or function. Also a different control structure might be better suited for the kind of check you're applying:

If age>24 Then
  TypeResponse "I see you are " & (age-24) & " years older than me."
ElseIf age<24 Then
  TypeResponse "I see you are " & (24-age) & " years younger than me."
ElseIf age=24 Then
  TypeResponse "Wow were the same age!"
End If

Sub TypeResponse(text)
  WshShell.SendKeys text & "{ENTER}"
End Sub
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Ansgar Wiechers Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 08:01

Ansgar Wiechers