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how to call function in ionic framework + angularjs?

I am using ionic framework to make android app .I am having cordova 5.1 version .first I create a project using command line ionic start myApp tabs .The I add android platform .Now I need to Communicate java code to javascript code .Using google I found I need to make custom plugin .But I did not found any solution on google how we will create custom plugin .I found ng-cordova which give own plugin we can't make customize plugin .

I just need A button on UI .On click of that button I need to call java function having print some log on console .Then return success or error callback on JavaScript file

Could you please tell me how we will create a simple plugin in ionic ?

like image 240
user944513 Avatar asked Jul 31 '15 03:07


1 Answers

Yes, custom cordova plugins are painful because the official docs are not so great.

First of all we need to understand a custom plugin folder structure.

enter image description here

  1. wrapper - Name you want to give to your plugin
  2. src - folder where your source code goes
  3. android - since you are looking for android, an android folder is required
  4. www - it contains the javascript functions that calls the java code.(using cordova)
  5. plugin.xml - the very heart of the plugin, this files configures the plugin (adding permissions, copying files to platforms etc)

In your android folder create a CustomPlugin.java file.

package com.example.myplugin;

import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;

public class CustomPlugin extends CordovaPlugin {

   public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
    if ("beep".equals(action)) {
        // print your log here... 
        return true;
    return false;  // Returning false results in a "MethodNotFound" error.

Now we need to build a interface between javascript and java code.

Cordova provides a simple function for this.

exec(<successFunction>, <failFunction>, <service>, <action>, [<args>]); 

create a MycustomPlugin.js file in www folder.

cordova.exec( successCallback,  ErrorCallBack, "service","action", []);

It is worth to know that,

service -> Name of the java class

action -> action we want to call ( in this case "beep" see above code)

Your MycustomPlugin.js file should look like this:

var MyPlugin = {
  PrintLog: function (successCallback, errorCallback, action) {
            successCallback, // success callback function
            errorCallback, // error callback function
            'CustomPlugin', // mapped to our native Java class called
            action, // with this action name , in this case 'beep'
            []  )// arguments, if needed
module.exports = MyPlugin;

Lastly you need to configure your plugin.xml file

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <plugin xmlns="http://www.phonegap.com/ns/plugins/1.0"
      <name>Cordova Plugin</name> 

        <engine name="cordova" version=">=3.4.0"/>

      <js-module src="www/MycustomPlugin.js" name="CustomPlugin">
        <clobbers target="window.MycustomPlugin" />
    <platform name="android">

        <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
           <feature name="CustomPlugin">
              <param name="android-package" value="com.example.myplugin.CustomPlugin"/>

       <source-file src="src/android/CustomPlugin.java" target-dir="src/com/example/myplugin"/>     


now add this plugin to your project. myApp (the one you created) using cordova plugin add /path/to/your/custom/plugin

And in $ionicPlatform.ready function call your java code from javascript

   }, function(err){
   }, "beep")
like image 179
Karan Kumar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09

Karan Kumar