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How to call a method of a javascript object inside ajax

Given this code,

var submit = {
  send:function (form_id) {
    var url = $(form_id).attr("action");
      type: "POST",
      url: url,
      data: $(form_id).serialize(),
      dataType: 'json',
      success: function(result) {
      error: function(result) {
        // Some error message

  ret:function (result) {
    this.result_data = result;


will send a data from the form to a controller which if will return a json

$result['message'] = validation_errors();
echo json_encode($result); 

I try to call this javascript object in this code,

var res = submit.send(form_id);

wherein form_id is the form id, and look for the output using


In the console, it shows undefined. After searching for an explaination using google and stackoverflow itself I got the idea that,


is being called inside ajax which is another object, indicating that it's not part of it's method.

My problem is, how to call the method ret() inside ajax?

Is anyone can explain it to me?

like image 338
Fil Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 07:03


1 Answers

There is several ways to deal with it.

One is ES5 compatible (and this is actually quite common pattern):

var submit = {
send: function (form_id) {
  var url = $(form_id).attr("action");
  var self = this; // << this is binded to self varialble
    type: "POST",
    url: url,
    data: $(form_id).serialize(),
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(result) {
      self.ret(result.message); // << replaced this to self so it has all the methods from the submit object.
    error: function(result) {
      // Some error message

ret:function (result) {
  this.result_data = result;


And another is using arrow function from ES2015 plus deferred object returned by $.ajax:

var submit = {
send: function (form_id) {
  var url = $(form_id).attr("action");
    type: "POST",
    url: url,
    data: $(form_id).serialize(),
    dataType: 'json'
  .then((result) => {
    this.ret(result.message); // << arrow function is called in context of the parent function, so no needs to change anything.
  .fail(function(result) {
    // Some error message

ret:function (result) {
  this.result_data = result;


Explanation: context of this in callback function will be bind to global scope not to the object's one. So you need somehow to change it.

You can actually match and mix these two methods.

You can also use bind or put success as a object method. As it mentioned in other answers. Same thing, you want to keep this to be object's context.

There is a good article about this in javascript.

like image 154
dmi3y Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 21:03
