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moment.js diff between two timezone formatted dates

I have to calculate a time difference between a set time and the current server time.

I'm using the momentjs and the moment timezone library.

Here's what I have:

var serverTime = moment.tz(new Date(), "Europe/Berlin").format();
var bar = moment.tz("2016-05-14 00:00:00", "Europe/Berlin").format();
var baz = bar.diff(serverTime);

console.log('server time is: ' + serverTime);
console.log('time diff is: ' + baz);

This gives me an error:

TypeError: bar.diff is not a function

Is it possible to diff between two timezone formatted dates? If not, what's the optimal way to conduct such calculation using the momentjs library?

like image 968
Grant Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 08:03


1 Answers

format produces a string, so don't use it until you need a string.

var now = moment.tz("Europe/Berlin");
var bar = moment.tz("2016-05-14 00:00:00", "Europe/Berlin");
var baz = bar.diff(now);

console.log('current time is: ' + now.format());
console.log('time diff is: ' + baz);

Note that it's not the "server time" unless you're running this code on the server. As long as it's running on the client, it's still based on the client's clock - even if you use a different time zone.

like image 131
Matt Johnson-Pint Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 13:03

Matt Johnson-Pint