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How to call a function from another class in React-Native?


I am working on React-Native, i want to call a function from different class but when i am trying to do it's showing some error.

Class A

import B from './B.js';  class A extends Component {     _onItemPressed(item){         B.abc();     }      render() {       return (          <TouchableHighlight             underlayColor={Colors.colors.lightgrey}             style={{padding: 15}}             onPress={this._onItemPressed.bind(this)}>          <Text>Click Me !</Text>          </TouchableHighlight>       );     } } 

Class B

class B extends Component {      abc(){       alert('Hello World');     }      render() {       return (          <View>             <Text>Welcome to React Native</Text>          </View>       );     } } 

But error message is coming after pressing the button in Class A, 'undefined is not a function (evaluating 'B.default._abc()')'

Please kindly go through my post and suggest me some solution.


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deeptimancode Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 04:04


People also ask

How do you call a function in another class in React?

To call a method from another class component in React. js, we can pass the class method as a prop to a child component. We have components Class1 and Class2 . And Class1 is a child of Class2 .

How do you call a function in React?

To call a function, you can either pass its name and arguments to User. callFunction() or call the function as if it was a method on the User. functions property.

1 Answers

You have two options, either to use an object or use class name, let's start with object

class B {   abc() {     alert("Hello World");   } } const b = new B(); export default b; 

So when you call this file you can access the function abc like the following

import b from './B.js'; class A extends Component {     _onItemPressed(item){         b.abc();     } ... 

The other way is to use class instead as follow

class B{} B.abc = function(){     alert("Hello World"); } module.exports = {   functions: B }; 

So when you call this file you can access the function abc like the following

import b from './B.js'; class A extends Component {     _onItemPressed(item){         b.functions.abc();     } ... 

Note: B class should not be a component, you can use it as a helper class.

also, you can enhance the way you deal with the object using singleton pattern as I already mention in React native- Best way to create singleton pattern

UPDATE: If you insist to use component instead of a class function, you can call it through reference, as follows:

export default class B extends Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.abc = this.abc.bind(this);    }     abc(){       alert('Hello World');     }      render() {       return null     } } 

now in A component you can call B by reference

import B from "./B.js"; class A extends Component {   _onItemPressed(item) {     this._b.abc();   }   render() {     return (       <TouchableHighlight         underlayColor={Colors.colors.lightgrey}         style={{ padding: 15 }}         onPress={this._onItemPressed.bind(this)}       >         <Text>Click Me !</Text>         <B ref={ref => (this._b = ref)} />       </TouchableHighlight>     );   } } 
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Hussam Kurd Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Hussam Kurd