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How to cache JSON in ruby on rails?

I am confused about how to use json in my rails (2.3.5) app. These are the elements that I need:

  1. html template
  2. json data
  3. javascript to render data in the template (I use PURE)

json data, calculated using helper methods (rails and my own ones), is quite big and it doesn't change often (in general it's footer, header and some other parts of the page), so it should be cached. What is the right way to do it?

I tried 3 approaches.


 - html template and javascript to render data placed in the view html.erb
 - method to get json data placed in the helper
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var data= <%= helper_method %>;

Problem: how to cache json data?


 - html template and javascript to render data placed in the view html.erb
 - method to get json data is a controller action
     def footer
        render :json => { calculated_data }
 - ajax request in javascript
        type: "GET",
        url: "<%=footer_path %>",
        success: function(data){
          render json data in html template

Problem: second request send to the server...


 - html template and javascript to render data placed in the view html.erb
 - method to get json data is a controller action
     def footer
        render :json => { calculated_data }
 - data in javascript
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=footer_path %>">

Problems: how can I pass result of that script to a variable which I can use in the javascript that renders data in the template?

In case of B and C there is a need to include helpers in the controller (methods for calculating json data), which is quite ugly solution.

What should be the correct solution for this? Which approach is appropiate for this needs?

Thanks for all suggestions.

like image 269
santuxus Avatar asked May 19 '11 12:05


People also ask

Can JSON be cached?

In order to add data in cache as JSON, the objects need to be created according to the JSON standards provided by NCache. JsonObject is added in the cache against a unique key. This key will be used to perform further operations on the cache.

Does rails cache use Redis?

Rails 5.2 introduced built-in Redis cache store, which allows you to store cache entries in Redis.

What is caching in Ruby?

Caching means to store content generated during the request-response cycle and to reuse it when responding to similar requests. Caching is often the most effective way to boost an application's performance.

Does browser cache JSON response?

Request Headers 2nd request: Thx for response. Yes you can cache JSON responses.

1 Answers

No responses, but I found a solution. For those who could have similar problem, maybe it will save time for somebody...

I used approach A and Rails cache. I have a method in helper

def footer
  return Rails.cache.fetch('footer', :expires_in => 4.hours){

Just this...

like image 198
santuxus Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10
