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How to cache database tables to prevent many database queries in Asp.net C# mvc

I build my own cms using Asp.net mvc 4 (c#), and I want to cache some database data, likes: localization, search categories (it's long-tail, each category have it's own sub and sub-sub categories), etc..

It's will be overkill to query the database all the time, because it can be more than 30-100 queries for each page request, however the users update those database rarely

So what is the best way (performance and convenience) to do it?

I know how use the OutputCache of the action, but it's not what I need in this situation , it's cache the html, but what I need is for example, that my own helper @html.Localization("Newsletter.Tite") will take the value of the language, or any another helper that interact with data etc.

I think (not really sure) that I need to cache the data I want, only when the application is invoke for the first time, and then work with the cache location, but I don't have any experience even about to it.

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Daniel Ezra Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 11:07

Daniel Ezra

People also ask

Should you cache database queries?

In-memory data caching can be one of the most effective strategies to improve your overall application performance and to reduce your database costs. Caching can be applied to any type of database including relational databases such as Amazon RDS or NoSQL databases such as Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB and Apache Cassandra.

What is data cache in C#?

What is Data Cache? Data Cache is used to storing frequently used data in the Cache memory. It's much efficient to retrieve data from the data cache instead of database or other sources. We need use System.

What is Redis cache C#?

What is Redis Cache. Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams.

How Redis cache is implemented in ASP.NET MVC?

You can download the complete Source Code here. Download free Redis Client to view the data from Redis. Let's start with creating a project in Visual Studio 2015. After creating a project, we are going to add a NuGet package to access Redis from an ASP.NET application.

2 Answers

You could use the built-in MemoryCache to store entire resultsets you have retrieved from the database.

A typical pattern:

MyModel model = MemoryCache.Default["my_model_key"] as MyModel; if (model == null) {     model = GetModelFromDatabase();     MemoryCache.Default["my_model_key"] = model; }  // you could use the model here 
like image 99
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

Darin Dimitrov

I had to cache common database data like data that were displayed in drop downs. I used MemoryCache. And I used Entity Framework code first and Autofac for dependency injection.

Here is part of what I did in my solution, might not work for you but it worked for me, not perfect though but needs a lot of cleaning up to do.

My ICacheManager interface:

public interface ICacheManager {      T Get<T>(string key);       void Set(string key, object data, int cacheTime);       bool IsSet(string key);       void Remove(string key);       void Clear(); } 

My CacheManager class:

public class CacheManager : ICacheManager {      private ObjectCache Cache      {           get           {                return MemoryCache.Default;           }      }       public T Get<T>(string key)      {           return (T)Cache[key];      }       public void Set(string key, object data, int cacheTime)      {           if (data == null)           {                return;           }            CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();           policy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheTime);            Cache.Add(new CacheItem(key, data), policy);      }       public bool IsSet(string key)      {           return (Cache.Contains(key));      }       public void Remove(string key)      {           Cache.Remove(key);      }       public void Clear()      {           foreach (var item in Cache)           {                Remove(item.Key);           }      } } 

An extension class for my caching:

public static class CacheExtensions {      public static T Get<T>(this ICacheManager cacheManager, string key, Func<T> acquire)      {           return Get(cacheManager, key, 60, acquire);      }       public static T Get<T>(this ICacheManager cacheManager, string key, int cacheTime, Func<T> acquire)      {           if (cacheManager.IsSet(key))           {                return cacheManager.Get<T>(key);           }           else           {                var result = acquire();                 cacheManager.Set(key, result, cacheTime);                 return result;           }      } } 

And this is how I would use it in my repository class. This method returns a list of all my banks which is displayed in a drop down.

public class BankRepository : RepositoryBase<Bank>, IBankRepository {      private readonly ICacheManager cacheManager;      private const string BanksAllCacheKey = "banks-all";       public BankRepository(IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory, ICacheManager cacheManager)           : base(databaseFactory)      {           Check.Argument.IsNotNull(cacheManager, "cacheManager");            this.cacheManager = cacheManager;      }       public IEnumerable<Bank> FindAll()      {           string key = string.Format(BanksAllCacheKey);            return cacheManager.Get(key, () =>           {                var query = from bank in DatabaseContext.Banks                            orderby bank.Name                            select bank;                 return query.ToList();           });      } } 

I hope this helps. It's a very simple implementation but it works for me. There are many articles online on how to use a caching strategy in ASP.NET MVC. Just Google it.

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Brendan Vogt Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Brendan Vogt