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How to build single page site from Markdown?



Hugo is for people building a blog, company site, portfolio, tumblog, documentation, single page site or a site with thousands of pages.


I'd like to make a single page site. My content is written in Markdown index.md. How do I build it?

It's necessary to build with Hugo (rather than pandoc) because I want to use its csv templating feature http://gohugo.io/extras/dynamiccontent/

I tried hugo new to create a blank site. If I create _layouts/index.html then hugo server will show that. But I want to write content in Markdown.

like image 815
Colonel Panic Avatar asked May 04 '15 12:05

Colonel Panic

1 Answers

As of Hugo 0.18, this is now possible by creating a content/_index.md file, if the theme you are using supports it. You can create this file with the command hugo new _index.md. See the Hugo docs for more details.

like image 133
Jack Taylor Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Jack Taylor