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Hugo Date vs PublishDate



Hugo offers a few date page variables:

  • Date - the date associated with the page
  • PublishDate - the date on which the content was or will be published
  • LastMod - the date the content was last modified
  • ExpiryDate - the date on which the content is scheduled to expire

LastMod and ExpiryDate make sense to me, but I am puzzled as to the difference between Date and PublishDate.

What are some examples of when Date and PublishDate are different?

like image 932
AWhitford Avatar asked Jan 08 '20 23:01


1 Answers


  1. you are using the default meaning of date and publishDate (see below),
  2. both are defined for a page,
  3. and date is different from publishDate


  • publishDate is used to determine if a page is in the future (i.e. if hugo's -F or --buildFuture flag is required for the page to be built)
  • date is used to order pages in the default ordering (Weight > Date > LinkTitle > Title > FilePath).[*] The default order is used in next/previous navigation and can be used in a range.

Configuring dates is discussed in https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#configure-front-matter. Here is the default for date and publishDate:

    - date
    - publishDate
    - lastmod
    - publishDate
    - date

Because I want date and publishDate to mean the same thing, I have the following in my config.yaml:

    - publishDate
    - :filename
    - date
    - :fileModTime
    - publishDate
    - :filename
    - date
    - :fileModTime

I've made them the same because I, too, was puzzled by their difference!

[*] Info about ordering content in Hugo is at https://gohugo.io/templates/lists/#order-content

like image 110
n m Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10

n m