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How to build multiple applications from a single code base in Angular


I'm working on an angular application. We based our application on https://github.com/Swiip/generator-gulp-angular and everything is working fine. This angular seed project basically scans all your JS files in a directory and concats them into a single JS file when you go into production.

We're building an admin backend for a billing system. The client now also wants a "public backend" for all their clients. A place where clients and log in and send messages basically. The UI is the same for the public backend, we could re-use the same directives everywhere. The only problem is that the public backend is tiny and the admin backend is huge. I don't think serving the full admin app to a random client is good practice.

How do I go about building two applications from the same code base?

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Peeter Avatar asked Jun 01 '15 07:06


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So now, you need to follow some simple steps to use multiple modules in an Angular application. Create a simple application using Angular CLI. If you are going to use Angular for the first time, click here. I am going to create an application which contains three modules: App, Employee, Admin, Home.

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AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other. Do not use a directive that uses transclusion on the same element as ngApp . This includes directives such as ngIf , ngInclude and ngView .

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The Angular Multi-Platform Starter is a template for building apps that run across the web, native mobile (using NativeScript), and for desktop (using Electron). Angular 2 decoupled the Angular framework from the DOM, making the promise of a single code base that runs across multiple environments a real possibility.

2 Answers

Don't serve two applications from the same codebase. That is a recipe for disaster. This is a rough outline of how I would handle this:

  1. Audit the application you have already built. Identify which components are reusable between the two projects and establish that as your base project project.
  2. If you built things with modularity in mind, this shouldn't be back-braking. You may need to refactor to get yourself into the right position. John Papa's Angular Styleguide would be a great place to help on that front (it's been great as I've learned Angular).
  3. Turn that base front-end project into a bower dependency that could be updated independently of your custom application code. More on creating a Bower package here. Maybe you could even open-source what you've built?!?
  4. Build custom functionality on top of your modularized base build. Each group of custom functionality would be one of your applications (in your case that sounds like an admin panel and a public app).
  5. Post launch, you could manage the apps with one product team if they are mostly the same. Identify which features are common, build them into the base app and deploy those changes via bower to your two custom apps. Add in custom functionality on a per-project basis; if the codebases diverge enough, you could separate this into two product teams.

As noted by others, you would manage the apps with a good build tool like Grunt/Gulp which would pull in the common dependencies for you.

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serraosays Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 02:11


I'd have to disagree with the accepted answer as well. Maintaining one codebase is significantly more straightforward and less time consuming, and will be favorable in case where your project expands into even bigger number of applications that need to be deployed and built independently.

Defining the build

There would be one app.js file per application, defining which components to import and make the build from. The structure could look similar to the following:

-- component-1
-- component-2
-- component-3
-- app.js
-- app.js

To build app-1, we need components 1 and 3, so in app-1/app.js we'd define:


If you'd want to deploy separately user-related settings, you could create UserSettings module, with its own routes, and include components this module needs. This module would then be included in the build of your application. The same could apply to routes, config, runs etc. - optimally these would all pertain to one module, or component.


At some point you'll face the question of whether you want to bundle dependencies for all applications in one go, or create a bundle for each application separately. The only solution I came up with so far, is to curate manual list of dependencies for each application, and execute a bundler based on that list, but I'm sure there's a better way.

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Maciej Gurban Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 04:11

Maciej Gurban