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How to build apk without eclipse or Modify the apk building with a config file?




I want to build an apk with some large configuration from a xml file.
I want to know if there is any method that can control the building process of apk or is there any way to create apk from our source with a little bit of modification on our source based on our config xml file.Or any other way to build apk file

I don't want to read my config file each and every time when the app run ,I want to include the change in application itself

All Suggestions,Comments,Answers,Ideas are Welcome Thanks in advance.....

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Renjith K N Avatar asked Jul 10 '12 06:07

Renjith K N

2 Answers

If you want to manually build your application :

First off, you should really understand the build process, if you don't.

If you are developing in Eclipse, the ADT plugin incrementally builds your project as you make changes to the source code. Eclipse outputs an .apk file automatically to the bin folder of the project, so you do not have to do anything extra to generate the .apk.

If you are developing in a non-Eclipse environment, you can build your project with the generated build.xml Ant file that is in the project directory. The Ant file calls targets that automatically call the build tools for you.

Once you understand the build process, you can start off by learning the commands to perform the various steps involved in building. The documentation talks about the various commands you can use.

This Tutorial on Ant takes you from start to finish on how to perform a custom build.

A few more tutorials:

  • Documentation
  • http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidBuildAnt/article.html
  • http://code.google.com/p/autoandroid/wiki/AndroidAnt
  • http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7667/
  • http://www.alittlemadness.com/2010/05/31/setting-up-an-android-project-build/
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Vinay W Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Vinay W

You can use the Apache Ant tool. It allows you to build your application through commands instead of with Eclipse.

You can look at the question asked and the answer given in this thread.

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DroidBender Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
