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Is it possible to override the Accounts & Sync 'Remove Account' functionality

I am working on application which has a sync adapter and authenticator used to add accounts via the Android Account Manager. I've got the following two problems:

1) It was possible to override the 'Add Account' button's functionality in Accounts & Sync, but I can't find a way to override the 'Remove Account' button's functionality - is this possible?

2) I've read that authenticators can prevent removal of their accounts but I can't find out how...does anyone know how I can add this to my authenticator? That way I might be able to use AbstractAccoutnAuthenticator.getAccountRemovalAllowed to acheive the functionality I want.


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user1288511 Avatar asked Mar 23 '12 15:03


2 Answers

To answer your second question:

Assuming your package name is com.companyname

Create an Authenticator class that extends AbstractAccountAuthenticator in the package com.companyname.auth and implement this method on it:

public Bundle getAccountRemovalAllowed(AccountAuthenticatorResponse response, Account account) {
    Bundle result = new Bundle();
    boolean allowed = false; // or whatever logic you want here
    result.putBoolean(AccountManager.KEY_BOOLEAN_RESULT, allowed);
    return result;

Add this to the manifest:

    <service android:name=".auth.AuthenticationService">
            <action android:name="android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator"></action>
        <meta-data android:name="android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator" android:resource="@xml/authenticator"></meta-data>

(Note that lint gives a warning that this exported service does not require permissions).

And then in res/xml add the authenticator.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:label="@string/app_name" />

Assuming that your account type is "com.companyname". That's what we do and it appears to be working from API 8 on up.

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Zeoneous Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 12:11


The previous user is right. However there is NO way to customize the dialog (the documentation lies and says you can return an intent for a custom screen, which is clearly not implemented in the code).

Returning false is NOT recommended though. Since it returns a dialog that says something very scary to the user (something along the lines that you need to do a factory reset)

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Bishnu Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 13:11
