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How to build an APK file in Eclipse?

When I develop the project using Eclipse, the APK file goes on the emulator. But I want to upload my application to a real device. Is there a tool to build an APK file?

What is the process? Or is it possible to pull the APK file from the emulator?

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sean Avatar asked Jan 05 '11 04:01


People also ask

How do I run an APK file in eclipse?

You need to create an emulator using the Android Virtual Device Manager. Then when you run it as an android application it will launch the emulator.

Where can I find APK in Eclipse?

The APK file is in the /workspace/PROJECT_FOLDER/bin directory.

Where can I Build an APK?

Alternatively, you can select Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK from the menu bar. Android Studio saves the APKs you build in project-name / module-name /build/outputs/apk/ .

2 Answers

When you run the project on the emulator, the APK file is generated in the bin directory. Keep in mind that just building the project (and not running it) will not output the APK file into the bin directory.

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anta40 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 05:10


For testing on a device, you can connect the device using USB and run from Eclipse just as an emulator.

If you need to distribute the app, then use the export feature:

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Then follow instructions. You will have to create a key in the process.

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Sarwar Erfan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10

Sarwar Erfan