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How to build a Google-chrome tabs and menubar interface in Java Swing? [closed]

Does someone know an open source project or code snippets, which demonstrate how to create a google-chrome like interface with similar tabs and toolbar in Swing?

I know, that I can use JTabbedPane, but I'm thinking of an interface which looks and feels very similar to the google chrome "tabbed browsing".

like image 632
axelclk Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 01:03


1 Answers

I have just created my own open-source library for this, called Jhrome. Check it out!

It's available on github: https://github.com/jedwards1211/Jhrome

Documentation is sparse right now, but it's pretty solid, except for AWT/Swing memory leaks I haven't figured out yet. If enough people are interested in it I'll polish it up.

like image 69
Andy Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 05:03
