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How to Bind to Property Which Resides in the App Xaml backend

I have a Property in my App.xaml.cs called User that holds the User details. I have read here that you can't have a dependency property on the App class.

I chose to use App.cs because it is global to the entire program and this is used for access control, but any alternatives are welcome.

Now my question is how can I bind to this property from my UserControls and Windows.

IsEnabled="{Binding Path=User, Converter={StaticResource hasAccessConverter}, ConverterParameter=Mid}"

This obviously only works on a property on the DataContext. I want to access the property on the App. Can someone show me an example of the binding to the App.xaml.cs property if I implement INotifyChanged?

like image 813
Oliver Avatar asked Sep 07 '09 13:09


1 Answers

I have read here that you can't have a dependency property on the App class.

Indeed you can't, because Application doesn't inherit from DependencyObject. However, it's not necessary : only the target property of a binding needs to be a dependency property.

If you want to bind to a property of your App class, you can do it like that :

IsEnabled="{Binding Path=User, Source={x:Static Application.Current}}"
like image 69
Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Thomas Levesque