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How to bind data to label in angular2



Is it possible to bind data to a label using ngModel? I want to display data fetched from the database and display using labels and not input(textbox).

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XamarinDevil Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 16:02


4 Answers

There are 3 options :

  1. <label [value]="someValueExpression"/>
  2. <label>{{ value}}</label>
  3. when you are using form:

    <label for="name">Name</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" required>
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Yoav Schniederman Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 01:11

Yoav Schniederman

ngModel works only for form's controls, which get input from the user. You need to use {{ }} syntax.

<label>{{ yourData }}</label>
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Suren Srapyan Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 01:11

Suren Srapyan

One of the way to achieve two way data binding for the label control.

  <label for="name">{{name}}</label>

in your ts

export class MyComponent {
      //one of the hrml controls calls this method
          this.name="John Wick";

So now whenever the name property changes automatically the label's text will also change accordingly.

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Hameed Syed Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 01:11

Hameed Syed

No, it's not possible. The ngModel only works for form's input controls. The label is not a form control.

You can bind other properties with [] i.e. the property binding.

<label [value]="expression"/>
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Roman C Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

Roman C