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How to bind Daphne on a unix socket?

So far, I've used Gunicorn, with this configuration file systemd:

Description=gunicorn daemon

ExecStart=/var/www/venv/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:/var/www/user/user.sock config.wsgi:application --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='config.settings.production'


And Nginx proxy requests for this unix socket.

Trying Daphne, I realized that I can not specify --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='config.settings.production'

But I specify this variable in asgi.py, on it all is normal.

As soon as I ran the gunicorn service, the socket itself was instantly created on which requests from nginx.

When I try to do the same trick with Daphne, I get an error:

Jun 26 11:48:32 p435061.kvmvps daphne[8447]: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 8: '/var/www/user/user.sock'

But I can not figure out how to use the unix.sock when I try to run Daphne and create my systemd file


I changed the settings file, and it gives something strange, but it works:

Description=daphne daemon

ExecStart=/var/www/venv/bin/daphne -b unix:/var/www/gglobal/gglobal.sock  config.asgi:channel_layer -v2


systemctl status daphne returns:

Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,722 DEBUG    get 'RDS_HOSTNAME' casted as 'None' with default '<NoValue>'
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,722 DEBUG    get 'RDS_PORT' casted as 'None' with default '<NoValue>'
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,722 DEBUG    get 'REDIS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS' casted as 'None' with default '<NoValue>'
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,722 DEBUG    get 'REDIS_PORT' casted as 'None' with default '<NoValue>'
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,723 DEBUG    get 'DJANGO_SENTRY_DSN' casted as 'None' with default 'https://56bb387ee6ef4e7b
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,723 DEBUG    get 'DJANGO_SENTRY_CLIENT' casted as 'None' with default 'raven.contrib.django.
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,723 DEBUG    get 'DJANGO_SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL' casted as '<class 'int'>' with default '20'
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,724 DEBUG    get 'DJANGO_SENTRY_LOG_LEVEL' casted as '<class 'int'>' with default '20'
Jun 26 17:53:46 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: 2017-06-26 17:53:46,724 DEBUG    get 'DJANGO_ADMIN_URL' casted as 'None' with default '<NoValue>'
Jun 26 17:53:48 p435061.kvmvps daphne[14183]: DEBUG 2017-06-26 17:53:48,186 base 14183 140286354425600 Configuring Raven for host: <raven.conf.remote.RemoteCo

But nginx swears at the lack of a *.sock file:

2017/06/26 17:47:51 [crit] 12682#12682: *59 connect() to unix:/var/www/project/project.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: mydomain.com, request: "GET / HTTP/2.0", upstream: "http://unix:/var/www/project/project.sock:/", host: "mydomain.com"

I spent the whole day fighting this, but nothing happened.

like image 719
Narnik Gamarnik Avatar asked Jun 26 '17 09:06

Narnik Gamarnik

1 Answers

The answer was quite simple:

The problem was that I pointed out -b unix:, and the unix: prefix interfered with the work, and, of course, the flag should be set -u

Description=daphne daemon

ExecStart=/var/www/venv/bin/daphne -u /var/www/gglobal/gglobal.sock  config.asgi:channel_layer -v2

like image 176
Narnik Gamarnik Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Narnik Gamarnik