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How to backup & restore SVN repository?

I have a Subversion repository configured in the windows server, having 2000 more revisions. I would like to move it from Windows to Linux, so I want to backup all the revisions & restore to the new svn configuration under linux.

How do I do that ?

like image 672
coderex Avatar asked Dec 14 '09 05:12


1 Answers

I see you've tagged your question with [visualsvn]. Given that you're using the VisualSVN server, you would start the 'VisualSVN Server Manager' application. On the root node in the server tree, right-click and select 'All Tasks->Start Command Prompt'

From the new command prompt, you can dump your repository by issuing:

svnadmin dump /path/to/your/repo > yourreporname.dump

Copy the dump-file to your new server and type:

cd /path/to/your/new/repo
svnadmin create reponame
svnadmin load reponame < yourreponame.dump

VisualSVN handles access rights on its own, so you'll need to copy the access rights manually.

EDIT: VisualSVN uses Apache as a front-end server. I guess you could extract the access rights from Apache's configuration files in some way.

like image 109
anorm Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10
