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SVN update command to target a single externals subfolder?

I have a bunch of externals directories in a plugins folder.

~> svn propedit svn:externals .

akismet http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/akismet/trunk/
stats http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/stats/tags/1.3.7/
html-purified http://svn.wp-plugins.org/html-purified/trunk/

Some times I will update a single externals reference to update the version number from say 1.3.7 to 1.3.8 but I am forced to issue an svn up command to the whole folder and simply svn up stats doesn't work, instead it returns something like:

At revision 108437.

Instead of updating the folder from an external repository. Is it possible to update a single external sub-folder?

like image 927
aleemb Avatar asked Apr 07 '09 15:04


People also ask

What is svn update command?

The SVN update Command. The svn update command lets you refresh your locally checked out repository with any changes in the repository HEAD on the server. It also tells you what has been changed, added, deleted. If a change has been made to a file you have also changed locally, svn will try to merge those changes.

Which command is used to update to the latest revision svn?

Simply type svn update [name-of-directory] , or cd to that directory and type svn update there.

What are externals in svn?

What are externals definitions? Externals definitions map a local directory to the URL of a versioned resource. The svn:externals property can be set on any versioned directory and its value is a multi-line table of subdirectories and absolute repository URLs.

What is difference between commit and update in svn?

Commit uploads your changes on the CVS / SVN server, and Update overwrites the files on your localhost with the ones on the server.

2 Answers

No, because this is a single property on the parent folder, defining these externals references for each of the "virtual" subfolders. The actual subfolders don't exist in Subversion's eyes.

like image 126
David M Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10

David M

You could switch the external to the new version if you want to avoid the 'svn up' on the parent folder. First change the svn:externals property to the new tag, commit. Then

svn switch http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/stats/tags/1.3.8/ stats 

But of course, updating the parent folder is recommended.

like image 36
Stefan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10
